Social Engineering

Employees are the greatest security risk any company can have. It takes just one employee to fall for a phishing scam to expose your entire organization to a hacker. Simulated attacks that reveal your team’s security shortcuts, followed by security training, is the best way to avoid an attack.

UEI-Technology experts are highly skilled in manipulating your team to break normal security procedures. When we conduct your social engineering, we will typically obtain privileged information from 35% of your employees.

We may employ “Phishing – Spear” tactics, which involves targeting a specific incognito and fictitious company or person and uses what is regarded as inside information to gain trust before influencing an action from your employee to proof social engineering vulnerability.

UEI-Technology employs “Pretext Calling” tactics, which utilizes the phone to gain sensitive information such as company logistics, technology, or a specific employee in a sensitive area of your company to obtain information to proof vulnerability.

We may also employ “Physical” tactics that include in person visit designed to test access controls, technology device or equipment easy access and employee resistance to providing information.

UEI-Technology also offers important social engineering cues to our customers and recommend employee awareness / training for employees on social engineering to curb social engineering.
